Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Lirik Lagu Afgan - Panah Asmara

Berdebar rasa di dada setiap kau tatap mataku
apakah arti pandangan itu menunjukkan hasratmu
sungguh aku telah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku
hanya kau yang membuatku begini melepas panah asmara

sudah katakan cinta, sudah ku bilang sayang
namun kau hanya diam tersenyum kepadaku
kau buat aku bimbang, kau buat aku gelisah
ingin rasanya kau jadi milikku
ku akan setia menunggu satu kata yang terucap
dari isi hati sanubarimu membuatku bahagia
sungguh aku tlah tergoda saat kau dekat denganku
hanya kau yang membuatku begini melepas panah asmara
repeat reff

Beauty and the Beast

nce upon a time there was a prince.  He was good looking and very rich. He lived in a beautiful castle together with his staffs and servants.
            One rainy dark night, a woman came to his castle. She was old and ugly. The prince didn’t like her and sent her away. After he sent the woman away, she turned into a beautiful fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his castle. The prince became a beast. He was no longer good looking. He looked very ugly instead and all his servants turned into furniture.
One day, an old man named Maurice was travelling past the castle. It was raining so hard that he decided to enter the castle. When the Beast saw him, he captured him.
            After some time, Maurice’s daughter, Belle, began to worry about him.
            She started to look for him. Finally, she arrived in the castle and she found her father there. She asked the Beast to let her father go but he refused. Belle, then, agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could go home.
            While Belle was staying at the castle, the Beast slowly changed. He was not mean anymore. Belle began to like him and finally they fell in love with each other. Right after she declared her love for him the spell as broken. The Beast and his servants became human again. Then, the Beast and Belle got married. They lived happily ever after.

Beauty and the Beast
nce upon a time there was a prince.  He was good looking and very rich. He lived in a beautiful castle together with his staffs and servants.
            One rainy dark night, a woman came to his castle. She was old and ugly. The prince didn’t like her and sent her away. After he sent the woman away, she turned into a beautiful fairy. She cast a spell over the prince and his castle. The prince became a beast. He was no longer good looking. He looked very ugly instead and all his servants turned into furniture.
One day, an old man named Maurice was travelling past the castle. It was raining so hard that he decided to enter the castle. When the Beast saw him, he captured him.
            After some time, Maurice’s daughter, Belle, began to worry about him.
            She started to look for him. Finally, she arrived in the castle and she found her father there. She asked the Beast to let her father go but he refused. Belle, then, agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could go home.
            While Belle was staying at the castle, the Beast slowly changed. He was not mean anymore. Belle began to like him and finally they fell in love with each other. Right after she declared her love for him the spell as broken. The Beast and his servants became human again. Then, the Beast and Belle got married. They lived happily ever after.

Minggu, 14 Agustus 2011


Kak Ivan Permana
      Hy guys.. pada tau sama ivan permana gak? Masa sih gak tau ivan permana? Itu lho yang jadi rendy di sinetron liontin. Ganteng dan keren kan?
  Ivan permana adalah artis idola saya. Saya sangat mengidolakan dia, ya meskipun dia nggak terkenal banget kaya Dude Herlino, tapi saya tetap mengidolakan dia. Awalnya sih nggak suka banget liat kak ivan, tapi lama kelamaan saya jadi suka sama dia.. bener.. bener :). saya ngefans sama kak ivan permana, sejak duduk dibangku SMP. sampai sekarang saya masih suka sama kak Ivan..... hehe.. Kita langsung bahas kak ivan permana ya!
Ivan permana adalah seorang pesinetron asal Indonesia. Ia lahir di Jakarta, 8 Mei 1987. Kak ivan merupakan bungsu dari dua bersaudara, wah ternyata kak Ivan anak bungsu ya ? 
    Denger-denger sih katanya kak ivan itu sepupu dari Bunga Citra lestari sama Intan ayu. Nah guys, kak ivan mengawali kariernya di sinetron Liontin, yang berperan sebagai Rendy. Masih pada inget gak? inget kan? Selain sinetron Liontin, kak ivan juga pernah main di sinetron-sinetron lain, yaitu:
  • Bawang Merah Bawang Putih
  • Hikmah 1
  • Liontin
  • Liontin 2
  • Bintang
  • 1001 Cara Menggaet Cowok
  • Kusebut NamaMU
  • Indahnya KaruniaMU
  • Peri Sok Gaul
Kak ivan permana juga sering main FTV bersama kak Ida Ayu Kadek Devie.. my favorite artis :) . beberapa FTV yang pernah dibintangi kak Ivan permana itu, diantaranya :
  • Sorry I Love You (Bersama Ricky Harun)
  • Jadikan Aku Pacarmu (Bersama Ida Ayu Kadek Devie)
  • Cinta Tak Bersyarat (Bersama Ida Ayu Kadek Devie)
  • Pacar Bayaran (Bersama Ida Ayu Kadek Devi)
  • Pacarin Gue Kalau Berani (Bersama Nikita Willy)
  • 100% Gak Jodoh (gak tau namanya)
  • Ada Cinta Di Mata Emon (Bersama Citra Anggun Dan Tania Hardjosubroto)
  • Cinta Rasa Mocca (Bersama Ida Ayu Kadek Devi)
  • Bukan Roman Picisan (Bersama Andrea Dian)
  • Double Love (Bersama Andrea Dian)
  • Sopir Taksi Jatuh Cinta (Bersama Masayu Anastasia)
Segitu sih judul FTV nya kak ivan yang saya tau. Hehe :D  lanjut lagi ya..
Nah selain main sinetron sama FTV kak ivan juga pernah membintangi iklan salah satunya iklan Mizone, ia juga sering menjadi bintang tamu di sebuah acara-acara TV. Dulu kak ivan pernah jadi bintang tamu di opera van java, lucu banget deh kak ivan. Kak ivan juga pernah main di plesetan misteri di trans 7, tapi sekarang udah gak tayang lagi huft :’(
sekarang kak ivan jarang muncul di acara TV.. nggak tau kenapa ya? sibuk dengan hal lain mungkin?? yang jelas, saya sebagai salah satu dari fansnya kak Ivan Permana.. tetap menunggu sinetron-sinetron atau FTV-FTV terbaru dari kak Ivan. okey kak Ivan ;) 

Itulah yang saya tau mengenai kak Ivan Permana.. Cuma sedikit ya? Nanti kita bahas lagi deh kalo ada info terbaru dari kak ivan.. oke!

Sumber : Wikipedia dan lain-lain

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011

Selamat datang di blog saya :)

Hai nama saya yulia, ini adalah blog pertama saya.
Ayo kita nge-blog. Dengan nge-blog kita bisa berekspresi sesuai keinginan kita.
